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How to Select Your Income Tax Preparer

For those who do not have the basic accounting knowledge or interest and find it difficult to handle their income tax and submission of their returns, it is important that they opt for a help. This help could be volunteered by someone you know or you can choose to take services of a registered preparer. As you have to share vital information related to your family and finances with someone you need to make that it is in safe hands and would be utilized to suit best of your interest. Selecting a right income tax preparer often becomes a challenging job and following factors should be kept in mind while doing it.

Only select a tax preparer who has a valid TPIN.

Kindly check the references provided to you by a preparer to know how satisfied his current clients are with him.

So should look for a tax preparer who is primarily involved in this job and is not just doing this as a part time activity in the tax season. He should be available even after April 15th in case you require his assistance.

Find out before hand what service fee would be charged by the preparer. Avoid hiring preparers which base their fee according to size of your refund or claims.

Give preference to the preparer who is associated with a professional organization. You can also check with the professional body he/she is associated with if there were any complaints related to his past work.

In case your tax returns are of complex nature or you need help with an IRS audit only go in for very experienced and senior tax preparer.

Do not hire a preparer who refuses to sign your tax return copy.

Ensure that your preparer gives you a copy of tax return he has filed for your records.

If a preparer promises you a certain amount of refunds even before reviewing your tax information.

Do not sign a blank tax form if your preparer asks you that he will fill that later on.

Make sure the preparer you select has a written privacy policy which he/she shares with you.

Hope you will keep the above point is your mind while selecting your income preparer.

Learn more about Tax Returns & free 1040ez form

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